Thursday, October 13, 2011


this website has not been used more recently, however there soon will be a redesign, and additional content added regularly


Who, Where, Why

What is the meaning of life? people find it very easy to lose track of their own values in pursuit of worldly ambition, and seek to satisfy their material lusts rather then the soul opening questions of the universe. Who am I, What am I doing here? Where am I going? Finding proper answers to these questions is certainly more important then being subject to a daily grind. Many people however find themselves hopelessly blind when searching for the answers to these questions. Why? Because they forsake the only true answer, whether it be by ignorance or on purpose. The Bible truly contains the means for you to find answers such abstract questions in a world like ours.

Who are we?

The Bible says that God Himself created us(Genesis 1:27 - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.). It even says that God breathed the essence of life into us personally!(Genesis 2:7 - And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.) This means that we as people have an undeniable connection and alliance to God. Though some would seek to oppose Him, it becomes hard to find the meaning to your existence if you reject the central figure in your creation and proliferation. One could argue that life is simply a chance occurrence, but by doing that you also foolishly reject simple reasoning. Until pseudo science and lofty philosophy were proliferated into modern day culture, It would make little sense to think that life does not have some sort of cognitive ordinance to it. Theories like evolution and New Age philosophy have paved the way for people to think that their lives have no meaning, and that the complex nature of life should be disregarded as such.

What am I doing here?

(Revelation 4:11 - Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.)

Why are we here? God says that it is for His pleasure, and so that we might be able to glorify Him through the works we do. All people are given free will and a life to dictate, to glorify God through our actions, or attempt to progress towards our own desires.

God made us so that we would give praise to Him, and be able to do good works in His name. It is far too easy to simply follow your own whim. God gives you free will, with which you can either choose to obey, or reject him. Those who reject him will never find the proper purpose for their life. You can chase after material dreams and aspirations for your whole life, but it will not give you the same spiritual satisfaction and purpose that you could receive by serving God. Even the greatest millionaire who does not know God has less purpose, meaning, and wealth than a homeless man who obeys the Gospel and follows God. Many people do not know "why they are here" because they cannot understand that God has a purpose for them that is separate from their own imaginings.(Matthew 16:26 - For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?)

As a person, you are a representative of God. If you carry yourself as a scoundrel, and speak profusely, and are full of hypocrisy, then you are not glorifying God through your works. Granted all of us are sinners, and cannot fully serve God, unless we allow the Holy Spirit to do so through us. He can allow you to properly represent God. Wouldn't it be much more gratifying, to know that God is happy with your faith by serving and representing him properly? You are here to glorify your Creator by being a high level representation of Him through your actions and beliefs. Not to brazenly live life in our own pursuit of happiness.

Whats more is that God gives us free will, to either follow good or evil. It is much easier to give in to the world and its expectations, then to stand up for what is right and proper in the eyes of God. By serving God, you will gain much stronger integrity and purpose than if you were to simply conform to the world. God says that the world is wicked, but He also says that Jesus overcame the world. That means that God has triumphed over the wickedness of men. Wouldn't you also like to triumph over the evils of the world? Start by serving God.

Where am I going?

Anybody can tell you that life is short. In actuality, Life is really a transitory process. One day, all of us will be dead. And people stay dead far longer then they lived. What happens when you die? The bible says that all men are guilty of sin(Romans 3:23), and that the wages of sin are death(Romans 6:23). The bible proclaims that man is guilty of transgressing against God. This means that God would be perfectly justified in punishing us. We were caught red handed(God can see every sin and lie and innermost thought) transgressing against God. He must punish sinners, because He cannot tolerate their sin. Guilty sinners are sent to hell. However, hell is where you experience eternal death. God is not willing that any should perish. This is why he sent His Son, Jesus to earth. God came so that He could pay for our sins. Romans 6:23 goes on to say that "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord." Getting saved is the free gift of God. By trusting on Jesus Christ as your savior, you gain eternal life from God. This ensures that when you die, you will have a place for you in Heaven(not the typical depiction of life in the clouds, but a higher dimension of reality that cannot be properly understood within the boundaries of human knowledge). The afterlife is not something to scoff at. Many people who have died and returned to life tell similar stories of seeing either Heaven or Hell. The Bible says that lost sinners who do not receive Jesus Christ as their savior will be damned. Accept Jesus as your savior today. He loves you! He died where you should have been killed! Do not waste such innumerable love from God himself!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Regarding May 21

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” —Matthew 7:15

Matthew 24:44, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
Matthew 25:13, “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”
Luke 12:40, “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.”

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Pagan roots of Easter

Is Easter really a Christian holiday? When one conducts diligent study, they discover that Easter actually has its roots in ancient Babylonian paganism.

"Semiramis was creating a mystery religion, and with the help of Satan, she set herself up as a goddess.
Semiramis claimed that she was immaculately conceived.
She taught that the moon was a goddess that went through a 28 day cycle and ovulated when full.
She further claimed that she came down from the moon in a giant moon egg that fell into the Euphrates River.
This was to have happened at the time of the first full moon after the spring equinox.
Semiramis became known as "Ishtar" which is pronounced "Easter", and her moon egg became known as "Ishtar's" egg."" 

The Tract also highlights the fact that the timing of Easter has nothing to do with Passover, and they can be congruent, or weeks apart. Like many other pagan holidays, Easter is celebrated based on astral signs or seasonal cycles.

"The truth is that Easter has nothing whatsoever to do with the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We also know that Easter can be as much as three weeks away from the Passover, because the pagan holiday is always set as the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox."

Every year, Easter is celebrated with eggs and rabbits. These both are ancient symbols of fertility, and play prominence in the pagan tradition, but have nothing to do at all with the crucifixion of Jesus, or otherwise.

There is a problem in the churches today, and it is that pagan traditions have largely been integrated with Christian beliefs. A Sunday worship, Christmas, and of course Easter all have their roots in pagan, not Christian tradition.

 Sources used:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hidden Bible Messages 1

Does the Bible contain codes, and hidden messages? There is much evidence to support that the Bible uses a number of forms of wordplay, cryptography, and systematic sequencing to incorporate more subtle, but also more provocative messages into its pages. In one such case, an elaborate message is hidden in the original Hebrew meanings of the names of Adam's bloodline.

  • Adam's name means man.
  • Seth means appointed(Eve said, "For God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.").
  • Enosh means mortal or miserable. The root is from the Hebrew anash, which means to be sick, incurable, desperately frail.
  •  Kenan means sorrow.
  •  Mahalalel means blessed God, mahalal meaning "blessed" or "praise," el being one of the names of God.
  •  Jared comes from yarad, a verb meaning to descend, or to come down.
  • The more known Enoch one of the first prophets, means teaching, or commencement. 
  •  Methuselah means his death shall bring. Methuselah's life is the longest recorded in the bible, and the year that he died was also the same year that the great flood occurred. Methuselah's life itself was prophetic in that his death was the cue for God to flood the earth.
  • Lamech means despairing. This is from where we obtain the word lament.
  • Noah comes from nacham, which simply means comfort or relief, but can even be taken to mean a literal sigh, repentance, a change of mind, to be brought ease. 
 When all of these meanings are brought into perspective, and read in order from Adam to Noah, a message begins to take form:


This has astounding implications, as this is a confirmation of the Gospel message of the New Testament, manifesting itself in scriptures from thousands of years prior. When you consider that most Jews today do not even acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah, it would not make sense for them to contrive this sort of message in any of their writings. However, this stands as a testament to the fact that Jesus is in fact, their true Messiah, and His plan of redemption has been in motion since the beginning of creation itself.  This shows the consistency of God's plan, and His character.

This is only the first genealogy recorded in scripture, and it contains a message of God's ultimate objective. If you consider that there are many genealogies, and  elaborate sequences within the Bible,  the possibility of there being even more messages like this becomes very real. There are indeed many astounding hidden messages in the Bible, all there to depict the glory of God's handiwork, and reveal the His true nature to us!

Proverbs 25:2: It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Zeitgeist Refuted

A few years ago, the movie Zeitgeist was released, causing much controversy over the nature of historical Christianity and its real origins. Those who were well learned in their ancient history recognized that many of the so called fallacies brought to light by Zeitgeist were extremely unreliable, and the presentation itself was quite biased. This video, highlights a number of these, and introduces strong evidence for the authenticity of the Bible record.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Q: Why do bad things happen to good people?

If God is benevolent, why does He allow bad things to happen to good people? why are innocents seemingly cut down in their prime? What allows God to determine that something should live, while something else dies?
Oftentimes, people observe the suffering of people all across the world in multiple situations, and determine that if God were real, then he would not allow for hardship to affect us so profoundly.

This philosophical question has been the basis of many arguments between Christians and their adversaries throughout the years. The question itself attempts to question God's love for humankind, while also suggesting that His omnipotence is invalid.

The first point that should be taken into consideration is that we do not live in a perfect world. The Bible clearly states that the world was made perfect, but due to the events in Genesis, a curse was pronounced upon the earth and its inhabitants. When God was finished with his creation, he saw that everything was good. Before the fall of man, it could be inferred that the earth was actually a paradise, devoid of strife and hardship. Ever since the original sin however, God has been in damage control mode. Due to man's disobedience, God has had to personally intervene in the lives of many, in order to keep them alive.

Another point of note is that mankind disobeys God's commandments on a daily basis. This may seem harsh, but God gives us commandments that we easily overlook and disregard, myself included. I don't always do what I am supposed to do properly. I've told lies. I've been envious, and because of this, God has had to withhold His mercy from me in some situations, and let me fall hard. me and every other human being continue to disobey God whether we realize it or not. This is part of the curse, and makes it difficult for God to give us a perfect life. God has to uphold his nature of being righteous. He cannot be expected to reward the ungodly and the unrighteous, and when people start being chastised for their disobedience, they are quick to reject that it's God attempting to show them discipline for their own benefit. Much like our fathers and mothers punished us for our disobedience in our days of youth, God attempts to steer us away from hardship on a daily basis, by setting certain events in motion. It is prudent for each person to watch these cues, and spare themselves unnecessary hardship.

Its also noteworthy that most hardship anybody is put through is purposeful. Friedrich Nietzsche, despite his rejection of God, was on to something when stating that "that which does not kill us only makes us stronger." Many normal people today can recognize when their struggles turned out being beneficial for them in the end. Sometimes, when people disregard God's warning signs, they are made to endure these kinds of situations to prove the point to them more clearly. It's important to seek God in hardship, because He can give you a clear answer as to why you endured it, and possibly point out the warning signs that He gave you before being put in that situation. Going through tough experiences will give people a stronger and more firm foundation, if they do not blame God for their hardship and become bitter towards Him.

People often cite the Book of Job as being a situation in which God choose to make Job endure extreme levels of hardship, seemingly on a whim. People don't also recognize that Job's position is the same one that every person is in today. We are accused by our accuser, Satan. He asks ask God allow him to find ways to shake individuals, and question themselves. God is not the source of pain and suffering, but He will often utilize it to get important points across to those who will listen. Job was just and righteous, and trusted in God, but he was made to suffer insurmountable levels of hardship. Even Job eventually became bitter at God and questioned His motives, until God gave him an answer. God essentially tells Job that he cannot know why he, or others endure great struggles based on his own understanding alone. God has specific purpose he wishes to fulfill in each of our lives. After God allowed all of Job's fortune to be taken from him, He returned it to Job in double, and Job's faith became even more strong.

People often talk about innocents, like Job who seemingly was perfect. They speak of children in third world countries, who are made to suffer starvation, disease, oftentimes without adults because they have left them, and relegate their suffering to God simply not caring(these same people are quick to dismiss that abortions of innocent babies and  families being systematically destroyed cause the exact same things). They often don't realize that there is real evil in the world. Not every human being follows what is right. Oftentimes, those who reside in higher positions of power find themselves in these moral dilemmas. Some people are greedy, and seek only to increase their own worth, disregarding what repercussions it might have on everybody else. The majority of cultures throughout history tell the story of man struggling against society, and those who control it. Most positions of power breed corruption, which causes damage to countries, peoples, and individuals.

Its also easy to overlook that God has made the most loving kind of provision for anybody who will accept it. When God was manifested in the flesh as Yeshua, or Jesus, He laid down His own life so that we would be able to inherit all of His blessings. Those who believe on the Son have life, while those who don't do not have life. You may not be freed of hardship because God constantly puts us in situations that allow us to mature fully. But you can have the assured promise of God that you will be freed of the curse of pain and suffering, when you trust in Jesus as your personal savior.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hepatic structure in the Bible

The Number Seven by Ivan Panin

by Dr. Ivan Panin

Part 1: Matthew 1:1-17: Beginning:

If we look at the first 17 verses of the New Testament (The Gospel of Matthew) which deals with a single principal subject: the genealogy of Jesus Christ, It contains 72 Greek vocabulary words in these initial 17 versus (#note; The verse divisions are man's allocation for convenience, added in the thirteenth-century A.D.). We find the following Heptadic (7) structure throughout these original Greek verses in the King James Bible.

#1. The number of words which are nouns is exactly 56, or 7 x 8.
#2. The Greek word "the" occurs most frequently in the passage: exactly 56 times, or 7 x 8.
#3. Also, the number of different forms in which the article "the" occurs is exactly 7.
#4. There are two main sections in the passage: verse 1-11 and 12-17. In the first main section, the number of Greek
vocabulary words used is 49, or 7 x 7.
#5. Of these 49 words, The number of those beginning with a vowel is 28, or 7 x 4.
#6. The number of words beginning with a consonant is 21, or 7 x 3.
#7. The total number of letters in these 49 words is exactly 266, or 7 x 38-exactly.
#8. The numbers of vowels among these 266 letters is 140, or 7 x 20.
#9. The number of consonants is 126, or 7 x 18-exactly.
#10. Of these 49 words, the number of words which occur more than once is 35, or 7 x 5.
#11. The number of words occurring only once is 14, or 7 x2.
#12. The number of words which occur in only one form is exactly 42, or 7 x 6.
#13. The number of words appearing in more than one form is also 7.
#14. The number of 49 Greek vocabulary words which are nouns is 42, or 7 x 6.
#15. The number of words which are not nouns is 7.
#16. Of the nouns, 35 are proper names, or 7 x 5.
#17. These 35 nouns are used 63 times, or 7 x 9.
#18. The number of male names is 28, or 7 x 4.
#19. These male names occur 56 times or 7 x 8.
#20. The number which are not male names is 7.
#21. Three women are mentioned-Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth. The number of Greek letters in these three names is 14, or 7 x 2.
#22. The number of compound nouns is 7.
#23. The number of Greek letters in these 7 nouns is 49, or 7 x 7.
#24. Only one city is named in this passage, Babylon, which in Greek contains exactly 7 letters.
And on and on it goes.

Just to understand how unique these properties are try to design a genealogy-even from fiction that meets the following criteria:
1) The Number of words must be divisible by 7 evenly (In each of these constraints, it is assumed that the divisions are without remainders.)
2) The number of letters must also be divisible by 7.
3) The number of vowels and the number of consonants must be divisible by 7.
4) The number of words that begin with a vowel must be divisible by 7.
5) The number of words that begin with a consonant must be divisible by 7.
6) The number of words that occur more than once must be divisible by 7.
7) The number of words that occur in more than one form must be divisible by 7.
8) The number of words that occur in only one form shall be divisible by 7.
9) The number of nouns shall be divisible by 7.
10) Only 7 words shall not be nouns.
11) The number of names in the genealogy shall be divisible by 7.
12) Only 7 other kinds of nouns are permitted.
13) The number of male names shall be divisible by 7.
14) The number of generations shall be 21, also divisible by 7.

There are even more features in the numerical structure of the words themselves. As you may know, both the Hebrew and Greek use the letters of the alphabet for numerical values. Therefore, any specific word in either Hebrew or Greek- has a numerical value of its own by adding up the values of the letters in that particular word. The study of the numerical values of words is called gametria.

The 72 vocabulary words add up to a gametrical value of 42,364, or 7 x 6,052. The 72 words appear in 90 forms-some appear in more than one form. The numeric value of the 90 forms is 54,075, or 7 x 7,725. Exactly.

It becomes immediately obvious that hidden below the surface are aspects of design that cannot be accidental or just coincidence.

Part 2: Matthew 1:18-25: The History of Christ's Birth:

1. The number of words in the seven word passage is 161 (7 x 23 = 161)
2. The number of Vocabulary words is 77 (7 x 11 = 77)
3. Six Greek words occur only in this passage and never again in Matthew. These six Greek words contain precisely 56 letters (7 x 8 = 56)
4. The number of distinct proper names in the passage is 7
5. The number of Greek letters in these seven proper names is 42 (7 x 6 = 42)
6. The number of words spoken by the angel to Joseph is 28 (7 x 4 = 28)
7. The number of Greek forms of words used in this passage is 161 (7 x 23 = 161)
8. The number of Greek forms of words in the angel's speech is 35 (7 x 5 = 35)
9. The number of letters in the angel's 35 forms of words is 168 (7 x 24 = 168)

This phenomenal discovery by Panin has been examined by numerous authorities and the figures have been verified. In total, Panin accumulated over forty thousand pages of detailed calculations covering most of the text of the Bible before his death. These incredible, mathematical patterns are not limited to the number seven. There are numerous other patterns. These amazing patterns appear in the vocabulary, grammatical forms, parts of speech, and particular forms of words. They occur throughout the whole text of the Bible containing 31,173 verses. When you consider the amazing details of this mathematical phenomenon
you realize that the change of a single letter or word in the original languages of Hebrew or Greek would destroy the pattern. Now we can understand why Jesus Christ declared that the smallest letter and grammatical mark of the Scriptures was persevered by God's Hand: "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled" (Matthew 5:18).

Part 3: Other Implications:

There are words in the passage just described that occur nowhere else in the New Testament. They occur 42 times (7 x 6) and have 126 letters (7 x 18). How was this organized?

Even if Matthew contrived this characteristic into his Gospel, how could he have known that these specific words-whose sole characteristic is that they are found nowhere else in the New Testament-were not going to be used by the other writers? Unless we assume the absurd hypothesis that he had an agreement with them, he must have had the rest of the New Testament before him when he wrote his book. The Gospel of Matthew, then, must have been written last.

It so happens the Gospel of Mark exhibits the same phenomenon. It can be demonstrated that it would have had to be written "last." The same phenomenon is found in Luke, John, Peter, Jude, and Paul. Each would have had to write after the other in order to contrive the vocabulary frequencies! You can demonstrate that each of the New Testament books had to have been "written last."

There is no human explanation for this incredible and precise structure. It has all been supernaturally designed. We simply gasp, sit back, and behold the skillful handiwork of the God who keeps his promises.

The number "seven" permeates the totality of Scripture because the number speaks of God's divine perfection and perfect order. The actual number 7 appears 287 times in the Old Testament (7 x 41 = 287) while the word "seventh" occurs 98 times (7 x 14 = 98). The word "seven-fold" appears seven times. In addition, the word "seventy" is used 56 times (7 x 8 = 56).

Ivan Panin discovered literally thousands of such mathematical patterns underlying all of the books of the Old Testament before his death in 1942. I refer the interested reader to Panin's book, "The Inspiration of the Scriptures Scientifically Demonstrated", which discusses these phenomena extensively. Panin and others have examined other Hebrew literature and have attempted to find such mathematical patterns, but they are not found anywhere outside the Bible.

By the way, the crucifixion of Jesus took place at Golgotha, elevation = 777 meters above sea level. What a coincidence?

Science in the Bible

There is a tendency to relegate the Bible to being nothing more than a collection of myths and folklore with religious undertones. Especially in the arena of mass media, the practice is to place the cookie cutters of the Bible being "Religion" while taking the Humanistic view is seen as "Science." To the uninformed observer, it is easy to believe that these assumptions are more or less the case.

However, many Bible verses written over 3000 years ago contain startlingly accurate insight into various scientific fields that did not exist until recent times. The truth of the matter is that the Bible houses various scientific statements that have been verified by our most recent advances in understanding.

Take for example, this verse.

Job 26:7 — He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, [and] hangeth the earth upon nothing.

Any present day satellite photograph of our Earth depicts the language of this verse very vividly. The implications become even more extreme when considering them from an astrophysics point of view, where scientists find that the nature of gravity is that it's action is not visible, as various astral bodies seem to be suspended in open space without any visible explanation, and yet they obey certain protocols that keep them in an intricate order, preventing them from "falling" and instead "hanging" within a certain balance.

This raises the interesting question of how the ancient Hebrew scholars could know something like this. The majority of ancient beliefs of the Earth range from being raised up by giant animals like tortoises, or even by the demigod Atlas. Only recently in our history have we been able to understand the spherical nature of the Earth, as well as come to recognize the gravitational forces that hold it in place. Did the Hebrews have their own satellites? Or perhaps they saw it as they flew into the atmosphere from a distant world? 

Perhaps the Biblical account is actually inspired by the infinite knowledge of God, who stated this now accepted scientific fact thousands of years before we could see for ourselves.  

Another verse that seems to suggest knowledge of particle physics is found in the New Testament: 

Hbr 11:3 — Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

What this verse basically says is that the things we visually perceive consist of elements that are too small to see. This is basically how particle physics is explained; as every object we observe on a daily basis is made of subatomic particles that essentially form the sum of its parts. The knowledge of particle physics would probably not yield much to the people living during the 1st century AD, as they had no means to properly manipulate, or observe them, and that practice was not perfected until the 19th century, and yet a level of knowledge strong enough to describe its present day level of understanding exists in the Bible.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

test post

Test page. This blog is designed to be a set of answers for questions that most agnostic, athiest or otherwise aligned individuals often ask to christians, and is meant to vindicate the accuracy of the bible account in history, science, and spiritual matters.