Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hidden Bible Messages 1

Does the Bible contain codes, and hidden messages? There is much evidence to support that the Bible uses a number of forms of wordplay, cryptography, and systematic sequencing to incorporate more subtle, but also more provocative messages into its pages. In one such case, an elaborate message is hidden in the original Hebrew meanings of the names of Adam's bloodline.

  • Adam's name means man.
  • Seth means appointed(Eve said, "For God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.").
  • Enosh means mortal or miserable. The root is from the Hebrew anash, which means to be sick, incurable, desperately frail.
  •  Kenan means sorrow.
  •  Mahalalel means blessed God, mahalal meaning "blessed" or "praise," el being one of the names of God.
  •  Jared comes from yarad, a verb meaning to descend, or to come down.
  • The more known Enoch one of the first prophets, means teaching, or commencement. 
  •  Methuselah means his death shall bring. Methuselah's life is the longest recorded in the bible, and the year that he died was also the same year that the great flood occurred. Methuselah's life itself was prophetic in that his death was the cue for God to flood the earth.
  • Lamech means despairing. This is from where we obtain the word lament.
  • Noah comes from nacham, which simply means comfort or relief, but can even be taken to mean a literal sigh, repentance, a change of mind, to be brought ease. 
 When all of these meanings are brought into perspective, and read in order from Adam to Noah, a message begins to take form:


This has astounding implications, as this is a confirmation of the Gospel message of the New Testament, manifesting itself in scriptures from thousands of years prior. When you consider that most Jews today do not even acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah, it would not make sense for them to contrive this sort of message in any of their writings. However, this stands as a testament to the fact that Jesus is in fact, their true Messiah, and His plan of redemption has been in motion since the beginning of creation itself.  This shows the consistency of God's plan, and His character.

This is only the first genealogy recorded in scripture, and it contains a message of God's ultimate objective. If you consider that there are many genealogies, and  elaborate sequences within the Bible,  the possibility of there being even more messages like this becomes very real. There are indeed many astounding hidden messages in the Bible, all there to depict the glory of God's handiwork, and reveal the His true nature to us!

Proverbs 25:2: It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.

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