What is the meaning of life? people find it very easy to lose track of their own values in pursuit of worldly ambition, and seek to satisfy their material lusts rather then the soul opening questions of the universe. Who am I, What am I doing here? Where am I going? Finding proper answers to these questions is certainly more important then being subject to a daily grind. Many people however find themselves hopelessly blind when searching for the answers to these questions. Why? Because they forsake the only true answer, whether it be by ignorance or on purpose. The Bible truly contains the means for you to find answers such abstract questions in a world like ours.
Who are we?
The Bible says that God Himself created us(Genesis 1:27 - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.). It even says that God breathed the essence of life into us personally!(Genesis 2:7 - And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.) This means that we as people have an undeniable connection and alliance to God. Though some would seek to oppose Him, it becomes hard to find the meaning to your existence if you reject the central figure in your creation and proliferation. One could argue that life is simply a chance occurrence, but by doing that you also foolishly reject simple reasoning. Until pseudo science and lofty philosophy were proliferated into modern day culture, It would make little sense to think that life does not have some sort of cognitive ordinance to it. Theories like evolution and New Age philosophy have paved the way for people to think that their lives have no meaning, and that the complex nature of life should be disregarded as such.
What am I doing here?
(Revelation 4:11 - Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.)
Why are we here? God says that it is for His pleasure, and so that we might be able to glorify Him through the works we do. All people are given free will and a life to dictate, to glorify God through our actions, or attempt to progress towards our own desires.
God made us so that we would give praise to Him, and be able to do good works in His name. It is far too easy to simply follow your own whim. God gives you free will, with which you can either choose to obey, or reject him. Those who reject him will never find the proper purpose for their life. You can chase after material dreams and aspirations for your whole life, but it will not give you the same spiritual satisfaction and purpose that you could receive by serving God. Even the greatest millionaire who does not know God has less purpose, meaning, and wealth than a homeless man who obeys the Gospel and follows God. Many people do not know "why they are here" because they cannot understand that God has a purpose for them that is separate from their own imaginings.(Matthew 16:26 - For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?)
As a person, you are a representative of God. If you carry yourself as a scoundrel, and speak profusely, and are full of hypocrisy, then you are not glorifying God through your works. Granted all of us are sinners, and cannot fully serve God, unless we allow the Holy Spirit to do so through us. He can allow you to properly represent God. Wouldn't it be much more gratifying, to know that God is happy with your faith by serving and representing him properly? You are here to glorify your Creator by being a high level representation of Him through your actions and beliefs. Not to brazenly live life in our own pursuit of happiness.
Whats more is that God gives us free will, to either follow good or evil. It is much easier to give in to the world and its expectations, then to stand up for what is right and proper in the eyes of God. By serving God, you will gain much stronger integrity and purpose than if you were to simply conform to the world. God says that the world is wicked, but He also says that Jesus overcame the world. That means that God has triumphed over the wickedness of men. Wouldn't you also like to triumph over the evils of the world? Start by serving God.
Where am I going?
Anybody can tell you that life is short. In actuality, Life is really a transitory process. One day, all of us will be dead. And people stay dead far longer then they lived. What happens when you die? The bible says that all men are guilty of sin(Romans 3:23), and that the wages of sin are death(Romans 6:23). The bible proclaims that man is guilty of transgressing against God. This means that God would be perfectly justified in punishing us. We were caught red handed(God can see every sin and lie and innermost thought) transgressing against God. He must punish sinners, because He cannot tolerate their sin. Guilty sinners are sent to hell. However, hell is where you experience eternal death. God is not willing that any should perish. This is why he sent His Son, Jesus to earth. God came so that He could pay for our sins. Romans 6:23 goes on to say that "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord." Getting saved is the free gift of God. By trusting on Jesus Christ as your savior, you gain eternal life from God. This ensures that when you die, you will have a place for you in Heaven(not the typical depiction of life in the clouds, but a higher dimension of reality that cannot be properly understood within the boundaries of human knowledge). The afterlife is not something to scoff at. Many people who have died and returned to life tell similar stories of seeing either Heaven or Hell. The Bible says that lost sinners who do not receive Jesus Christ as their savior will be damned. Accept Jesus as your savior today. He loves you! He died where you should have been killed! Do not waste such innumerable love from God himself!
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