Friday, April 8, 2011

Science in the Bible

There is a tendency to relegate the Bible to being nothing more than a collection of myths and folklore with religious undertones. Especially in the arena of mass media, the practice is to place the cookie cutters of the Bible being "Religion" while taking the Humanistic view is seen as "Science." To the uninformed observer, it is easy to believe that these assumptions are more or less the case.

However, many Bible verses written over 3000 years ago contain startlingly accurate insight into various scientific fields that did not exist until recent times. The truth of the matter is that the Bible houses various scientific statements that have been verified by our most recent advances in understanding.

Take for example, this verse.

Job 26:7 — He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, [and] hangeth the earth upon nothing.

Any present day satellite photograph of our Earth depicts the language of this verse very vividly. The implications become even more extreme when considering them from an astrophysics point of view, where scientists find that the nature of gravity is that it's action is not visible, as various astral bodies seem to be suspended in open space without any visible explanation, and yet they obey certain protocols that keep them in an intricate order, preventing them from "falling" and instead "hanging" within a certain balance.

This raises the interesting question of how the ancient Hebrew scholars could know something like this. The majority of ancient beliefs of the Earth range from being raised up by giant animals like tortoises, or even by the demigod Atlas. Only recently in our history have we been able to understand the spherical nature of the Earth, as well as come to recognize the gravitational forces that hold it in place. Did the Hebrews have their own satellites? Or perhaps they saw it as they flew into the atmosphere from a distant world? 

Perhaps the Biblical account is actually inspired by the infinite knowledge of God, who stated this now accepted scientific fact thousands of years before we could see for ourselves.  

Another verse that seems to suggest knowledge of particle physics is found in the New Testament: 

Hbr 11:3 — Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

What this verse basically says is that the things we visually perceive consist of elements that are too small to see. This is basically how particle physics is explained; as every object we observe on a daily basis is made of subatomic particles that essentially form the sum of its parts. The knowledge of particle physics would probably not yield much to the people living during the 1st century AD, as they had no means to properly manipulate, or observe them, and that practice was not perfected until the 19th century, and yet a level of knowledge strong enough to describe its present day level of understanding exists in the Bible.

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